Common sense analysis of this, that and the other

Incredible example of climate change today

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Went for a run early this morning, it was (according to my own multiple temp sensors AND Internet sources), -2 deg C. In fact, there was frost everywhere. Within a few minutes, whilst I was out running, the temp rose so significantly (no sun, it was still hidden behind clouds) that people’s breath no longer condensed into clouds. In fact, it felt warm!

Later in the day, the temp rose further and it rained.

Never in my life have I known weather like this, ever. I have kept a diary and been taking photos since 1970s, so this is all verifiable, as will any records kept by weather stations.

The reasons have already been discussed by NASA who sent a number of small rockets into the higher atmosphere a few year ago to find out what was doing on, and discovered that the jet streams were stuck, causing the weather to fluctuate.

It continues to amaze me that the world is taking so long to do anything about this. When I travel, I see about 1 Tesla or Nissan Leaf for ever several thousand cars. And this, 20 years since the first Hybrid car was released. If you bicycle or go for a walk or run near a road – anywhere – you’ll have smelled the fums that are emitted from even the more modern ICE based vehicle. We’re not just killing ourselves, but the planet.

And yes, I am doing something about it, and have done since I started to bicycle to work in the 80s, and this weekend we began to wire up the first of several solar panels. It is not easy, the lack of wiring standards and connectors makes it very fiddly and potentially dangerous. Time for the simplification of consumer clean energy solutions else the industry will collapse and #bigoil will be laughing all the way to the tainted blood bank.

Written by Gudieve Ning

December 17, 2017 at 6:40 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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